Agent YTD reports
Agents should be able to see not just closed transactions to date, but also where they stand YTD on GCI, income to agent and total sales volume. The reports I'm seeing don't tally this, and the commission request form doesn't either. A prior program I used tallied up on each commission sheet a final closed sheet (generated when broker cut check) - with not just current deal income but also year to date GCI and volume
Faith Sincere
Javier Alvarez Can you add a Sales Goal feature or widget? So that Every agent can add their sales goal or the company can add a sales goal and be able to track how close or how far away away from the goal we are? Then at the end of year see if we reached, exceeded, or missed the goal?
Javier Alvarez
Javier Alvarez
As discussed this is available now, under reports, then stats reports.
Shirley Anthony
I was thinking this too.